Monday, June 1, 2009

Fat Guy and an Air Mattress…

A few weeks ago our ward had our Fathers and Sons campout. I love these! Keaton, Weston and I headed up to the pines for a night in nature with a bunch of good friends.


The campfire is usually one of our favorite things. Keaton loves the fire, and always makes sure it stays properly stoked and cared for. Weston is a big fan of roasting marshmallows – notice that I said “roasting,” that is actually miles away from “eating” marshmallows. Although he still manages to get a healthy amount of the stickiness on approximately 75% of his face.



Hiking and exploring is another highlight for us boys. This year we found some good walking sticks (as always), and apparently Weston found an arrow. Yes, he was supervised – occasionally.

The highlight for me is sleeping in a tent with just my boys. Sleeping is kind of a general term – the boys sleep, I am the big guy in the middle of an air mattress which means the boys (because of gravity) roll to the middle and are basically on top of me. Not the most comfortable way to spend a night. HOWEVER, it is a great way to spend a night thinking about how lucky you are that this fire-tender and sticky-face look to you and call you Dad.



Valerie Koop said...

Great pictures and wonderful memories.

jamie hixon said...

That is awesome!

michelle rasor said...

That cracks me up. We just went camping and the mattress situation... yup I get it. So funny!

Stephen A. Hixon said...


Shauna said...

love your post Bri. . . lucky Dad and lucky boys!