Monday, September 14, 2009



Sometimes, being a Mom means that you eat the breakfast that your sweet 7-year-old brings to you in bed.

Even if it is oatmeal made in the micro with not quite enough water and not a speck of sugar to be found on even the smallest chunk of oat. 

Even when that same sweet 7-year-old tells you that it is not so good at first but it tastes pretty good after you swallow it.

It also means washing the oats down with 2 packages of capri suns, cut opened and dumped into a cup. 

Because it was made by 7-year-old boy hands, it was most delicious.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that's sooooo adorable! I hope Veronica does that one day. Your kiddos are so sweet :)

Laurel said...

aaawwww...cute boy! Where was your hubby to sneak you some sugar? You are a great mom to choke down oatmeal with no sugar. A great showing!

Rachel said...

sweetest sweetest boy.

Joanna said...

so sweet! Both of you!!!!!!