Weston's front tooth has been wiggly for weeks now. It is barely hanging on but Weston refuses to pull it out (or let it be pulled) because I told him I would probably cry when it came out.
He says, in response to Brian's requests to yank it out," You don't want to make Mom cry, do you?!"
It makes me secretly happy when I hear that because I love those little teeth and it will be hard to say goodbye to them.
Someone around here turned 7 last week. He requested chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for his birthday cake. His wish was granted.
That same someone picked out a pin for his mom to wear on their dinner date that night. He thought she looked beautiful.
That same precious someone looked at...
...and tried out just about every toy at Target. He threw about $500 worth of toys into the basket to "think about" as he decided what to buy for his special birthday present. He ended up with Nerf guns and a big, red bouncy ball.
That amazing someone must need lots of sodium in his diet because at dinner he kept pouring more and more "soya" sauce in his tiny bowl of soup. "Just needs a little bit more...now it's perfect!"
That sweet little someone wished for a frog as he blew out seven candles on his cake.
Love him!
i arrive to the school (late...i parked 7 miles away...not really, but it was far, especially in 4 inch wedges) and as soon as I get halfway down the hall to his classroom, weston comes racing out to meet me. he places the homemade paper flower necklace around my neck and grabs hold of my hand. this is one of my most favorite days.
he leads me to his desk and we sit in his chair. he is settled in on my lap and we look at the book he made that tells all about me.
my favorite page of all:
then we eat muffins and hug and kiss. it was the best place to be on a wednesday morning.
the day before mother's day.
he also took three kiddos to anthropologie to try to find something to wrap up for me.
he found something just right.
he orchestrated breakfast in bed with homemade cards.
he assured me that he needs me for more than just my "tidy".
(as we went to bed on Saturday night I told him that if something happened to me he would live in an untidy house)
he knows the way to my heart.
#10. That’s Keak. #10 started the season out by striking out a good 85% of the time (maybe even a little more). The great thing about this kid is that whether he hit one that barely made it to the pitcher or struck out – he was just happy to be in the game. I love that.
Keaton has some great coaches. Coaches that take time to explain, and to work on all the aspects of the game. Keaton looks up to them and he is understanding the game. It is fun to to watch not only Keaton, but all the boys actually playing baseball, making plays, hitting the cut-off man. Nice job coaches!
Another thing we have been doing for the past couple of weeks is hitting in the backyard. I told him that if he hits it over the far wall of our yard I’ll give him $30. I still have the $30, but Keaton’s swing is now leveling out, and he is hitting the ball hard. It is so fun to see him getting it!
Last week Keaton had a game on Friday night, then another on Saturday morning. Friday night – first inning – 6th batter - #10 steps up to the plate. His knees are bent, hands back by his ears, he even looks like a “hitter.” First pitch he nails. Goes over the infielders, gets by the outfields and rolls to the fence. What that means in Rookie league – home run. The smile on that kids face as he ran back to the dugout with his teammates cheering was priceless.
Proud Dad.
Saturday morning. 5th inning – a few batters already been beaned by pitches - #10 steps up to the plate. Knees bent, hands back by his ears, he still looks like a “hitter.” First pitch – WAM – right smack in the ribs. Kea gives a little grunt, looks over at me, drops his bat and runs to first.
Way prouder Dad.
(The side of my car after misjudging the exact location of the car parked next to me)
(the other car after I got through with it)
(darn it all)