Thursday, May 20, 2010

Someone had a birthday

Someone around here turned 7 last week.  He requested chocolate cake with chocolate frosting for his birthday cake.  His wish was granted.


That same someone picked out a pin for his mom to wear on their dinner date that night.  He thought she looked beautiful.


That same precious someone looked at...




...and tried out just about every toy at Target.   He threw about $500 worth of toys into the basket to "think about" as he decided what to buy for his special birthday present.  He ended up with Nerf guns and a big, red bouncy ball.


That amazing someone must need lots of sodium in his diet because at dinner he kept pouring more  and more "soya" sauce in his tiny bowl of soup.  "Just needs a little bit it's perfect!"


That sweet little someone wished for a frog as he blew out seven candles on his cake.  

Love him!


Laurel said...

Happy birthday, Weston!! Hey Sara. Did you love how harried I was the other day? Didn't notice that I had left my van door wide open until I came back after finding my kids. Wednesday gymnastics is killing me!

jamie hixon said...

So sweet!
I love his cake.
And hello... this is the kid that licked the salt shaker every chance he had!

Leslie said...

Well that was a cute cake. How'd ya do that?

Joanna said...

what a sweet boy! Happy Birthday!

Amy Foote said...


Great pin!!

and how did you do the W on the cake? do you have a template?