Friday, December 12, 2008

Ewwwww! Gross!


As a child I believed that mook was the real name for--(there is not a gracious way to put it)--poop.

Any variation on the word worked as well. Imagine the incredulous giggles when my sister and I found the Mookie Wilson baseball card in my brother's stacks. Who in the world would name their kid "Mookie"?

I was in the second grade before I realized that mook was not a recognizable term to most of the world.

I was in the school bathroom with my best friend and for some reason the subject came up. I repeated the word mook several times before I realized that she did not know what I was talking about.

I finally said, "Never mind." Too embarrassed to explain that the first 7 years of my life I believed in a made up word.

Twenty eight years later, I still can't shake the word. I was in the Costco parking lot, digging through my purse--come on camera, where are you?-- I had to get this picture before someone ran me over. Of course, I giggled all the way home. Who in the world would love Mook and put it on their license plate?

Some things just stick.


David said...

I got a giggle from that shot. And from the write-up.

Melissa said...

tee hee!

michelle rasor said...

Very, very funny. Nice that I use the work mookie. Such a word copier!

Joanna said...

Oh, that is SOOOOOOO funny! I really wish I could talk to the person that owns the car - what is MOOK to her/him???? I'm glad you found your camera!!!

Amy Foote said...

In a book we were reading there was a character named Mookie and I explained to my kids why that was soooo funny.

Heather said...

I was driving behind this car on Friday and was totally laughing because of this post. White ford focus right?