Sunday, February 28, 2010

my birthday


morning:  breakfast in bed (cheerios, toast with strawberry jam, tangerine, and a whole pitcher of milk).  according to Weston, it was all his idea, but he wasn't willing to go downstairs when Shelby woke him up.  He protested that it was still night and then came and climbed in bed with me.  He did help me eat some of my breakfast, though.


noon:  lunch with some of my favorite people.  They showed up with their hair sprayed purple because my hair had been accidentally dyed purple the day before.  friends don't let friends go purple alone.


night:  i was banished to the laundry room while my family could get my "cake" and presents set up.


in each envelope was a letter from each one of my family and a charm with their first initial to attach to a necklace.  very sweet.


blowing out the candles after my wish (happiness, health and non purple hair!)


Jenifer said...

Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Looks like you had a fun day

Laurel said...

I love that your friends showed up with purple hair. That is fantastic! Happy belated birthday!

Valerie Koop said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Sara. You look beautiful.

I love the letters from your family. Just precious!