Friday, October 31, 2008

Dream On

Brian came home from work Wednesday at midnight.  I stayed up for him because I have a hard time falling asleep when I know he is on his way home. 

We caught up for a few minutes before we tiredly climbed the stairs to put our weary bodies in bed.  Upon entering our bedroom I saw my Weston snuggled up on my pillow, soundly sleeping. 

Brian saw the boy and said, "Oh good...I've been missing him."


I should have scooped him up and put him back in his own bed, where he belonged, but his Daddy needed him close.  Instead, we snuggled in next to him and listened to his deep, contented breaths.  Dream on sleeping boy.


♥Tami said...

Love that picture! Such a sweet boy!

Joanna said...

what a sweet face!

Valerie Koop said...

How did you get this photo in the dark?? What a great shot.