Thursday, October 23, 2008

Seven Things to Love about my Seven Year Old Boy


1.  Keaton can do amazing impersonations.  We love to be entertained with new voices at the dinner table.

2.  His dimples.  I could just eat them up.


3.  Lately, he has been using the phrase, "Just one moment"--little gentleman, melt my heart.

4.  Keaton can and will climb anything.  Then, he is usually inclined to jump from any height he reaches.


5.   Simply stated, he is happy and good.

6.  Optimism.  He just got glasses for the first time, and instead of complaining after the eye doctor appointment, he said, "I can't wait to get my glasses so I can get my vision back."

7.  Have I mentioned his dimples?  Oh yeah, then I'll go with the tiny, pale freckles on his nose and eyelids--I adore them!


Happy Birthday to My Sensational Seven Year Old!  May this year be as great as you are.


Valerie Koop said...

Where do the dimples come from? He is SUCH a honey. Seriously, so cute!

I love your comments about his optimism. He has a wonderful way of looking at the world.

Joanna said...

What a handsom boy! It seems like just yesterday you were at my wedding and pregnant with him. Where does the time go indeed!

Rachel said...

I am so stealing that orange color shirt next time. He looks darling in it.

Murline said...

That precious little guy could melt ANY heart!