Thursday, February 7, 2008

Do Unto Others...

Monday was a busy day. Seems like Mondays are often just busy days. So when Brian called from work around 3pm saying he did not know when he was coming home, but don't count on him for dinner, I figured that I wouldn't see him until past bedtime and way past Family Night.
There was no lesson planned and usually on the nights where we are winging it I let Brian take over. He is good off the cuff. But as I was cleaning up the dinner dishes I knew I would need to come up with something.
I looked through this little book on simple lessons and I ended up talking with the kids about The Golden Rule. I talked with them about being kind to your family and friends and even people you don't know. I pointed out kind things that I saw each of them do that day and how nice it is to get along. I concluded by telling them that when I was their age I always liked it when my Mom made chocolate chip cookies for me and so, in return, I made chocolate chip cookies for them.
Excitedly, we finished up Family Night and as I was taking the cookies off the cookie sheet I suggested that after cookies, if they were quick getting ready for bed we could meet back in my big bed to watch a short show together. Keaton happily squealed, wrapped his arms around my waist and exclaimed, "Mommy! Thank you for living the Golden Rule!"

1 comment:

Val said...

What a great story! And, I'm impressed with the music you have going on, too. Go Mama!