I should have scrubbed my downstairs bathroom to defunk the lingering scents in there, but instead, I helped my kids set up their first ever lemonade stand.
I would have cleaned the thousands of dried, highly chlorinated pool-water drips off of my 9 foot slider door (water shooters, a pool, and boys pretending to be firefighters=doused house), but we had cups of cool refreshment to sell.
I could have scrubbed the three spots of teenage mutant ninja turtle ooze out of my carpet but I was too busy fishing quarters out of my purse to fund my boys lemonade habit. Not to mention the $1.75 I dished out for the suckers--hey, didn't I buy those suckers in the first place?
The girls did sell one cup of lemonade to a non-brother in the 47 minutes they manage to last out in the heat. Then, luckily, Dad and Grandma showed up at the end of their long work-hour and each paid for 1 cup of lemonade plus a $4.50 tip.
I'd call it a success even though my to-do list was left undone.