Friday, June 27, 2008

Shoulda Woulda Coulda

I should have scrubbed my downstairs bathroom to defunk the lingering scents in there, but instead, I helped my kids set up their first ever lemonade stand.


I would have cleaned the thousands of dried, highly chlorinated pool-water drips off of my 9 foot slider door (water shooters, a pool, and boys pretending to be firefighters=doused house), but we had cups of cool refreshment to sell.

I could have scrubbed the three spots of teenage mutant ninja turtle ooze out of my carpet but I was too busy fishing quarters out of my purse to fund my boys lemonade habit. Not to mention the $1.75 I dished out for the suckers--hey, didn't I buy those suckers in the first place?

The girls did sell one cup of lemonade to a non-brother in the 47 minutes they manage to last out in the heat. Then, luckily, Dad and Grandma showed up at the end of their long work-hour and each paid for 1 cup of lemonade plus a $4.50 tip.


I'd call it a success even though my to-do list was left undone.


Heather said...

Thats cute, I can't believe that was your first lemonade stand. My girls go selling (sometimes door to door) almost weekly!

I can't believe they did that in the Arizona heat!

Valerie Koop said...

I've never met a lemonade stand I didn't like. Great story!

P.S. Let me know what you use to get the ooze out of your carpet. ;)

coca-cola angela said...

wish i would have known, i might have stopped by for a .50 lemonade! They look so cute!

Lara said...

oh my life is full of "shoulda, coulda, wouldas"! I just hope that very few of them are related to my good choice! Lemonade stands are the BEST!

Lainie said...

Lemonade stands are so much fun, aren't they? My girls, Haylee and Raquel did one last year and made over $30. As I was driving by to check on them I noticed they put up a sign that said, "For Cancer". I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.

(We did end up taking their earnings from them and donated it.)

Joanna said...

You are such an awesome mom, sar!

Brian said...


Leslie said...

That is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. I wish I would have known! Who wants to clean up turtle ooze anyway?