Friday, March 28, 2008

Bears are waaay better than work

Yesterday I had the privilege to accompany my 6 year old son, Keaton, on the Kindergarten field trip to Stuffington Bear Factory. I went with Katie on this field trip five years ago and had a great time with her. This year was just as fun.P3270144

As we were standing in Keaton's class waiting to go, the morning announcements were playing over the TV monitor. I wasn't really paying attention to them until I heard, "Shelby Steck." They said that the joke of the day was submitted by Shelby! I thought it was so cool that I was there to hear it when they chose her joke. Here's the joke (which I absolutely love by the way):

Have you ever heard a joke about a skunk?


Never mind, it stinks.

Keaton is so fun to do things with because he loves new things and is so excited to be doing them. I was a chaperone, my "group" was Keaton and his friend Treyson.

I loved riding on the bus with him. I loved seeing him wide-eyed P3270153as they showed how they get the stuffing in the bear. I loved how he refused to plug his ears when the worker said it would be really loud. I loved that be picked out a blue teddy bear and named it Sno-Cone. I loved that he answered questions. I loved eating lunch with him and his friends and that I was able to join in the ritualistic bartering for better food ("Hey, are you done with that pudding?").

I loved just being with Keaton.


Murline said...

I loved how for days Keaton was so excited and couldn't wait to go on the field trip--not because it was the bear factory, but because his dad was going with him.

New Lewis Happenings said...

Cute picture of Keaton and Treyson!! Oh, and I guess you too.


Joanna said...

too cute! I love that joke! She should submit it to laughy tafy! :)