Saturday, March 22, 2008

My favorite part has always been...

... dropping the tablets in the vinegar.  I love how they fizz.  I love how the color of the tablet is not always necessarily the color the dye ends up to be.   I have always loved the colors.  I have always IMG_3585 loved hard-boiled eggs with salt.  I have always loved the little copper wire egg holders, and the clear crayon to write on the eggs before you dye them.

As much fun as I have had dying eggs - it is so much better seeing my kids do it.  The wrinkled noses at  the smell of vinegar, the "cool!" from dropping in the tablets, to the "oohs" and "aahs" at the eggs being brought out of the dye.

I love this tradition.  I love what it IMG_3587represents.  Tomorrow as we are eating some deviled eggs, we can talk about the resurrection of our Savior.  We can remind them that because He loves Katie, Shelby, Keaton, and Weston so much, He chose to die for them.

That is my favorite part.


Murline said...

AND--It just gets better watching your grown children having Easter egg fun with their own children and teaching them the miracle of why we celebrate Easter.

Rachel said...

Hi Mur!!! I love all of this too Bri. Good commentary! I love that Stephen pointed out to my kids that the vinegar is what they offered Christ when he was thirsty. It was a good tangible lesson.

Joanna said...

I love to make them too. I just don't like eating them :)