Thursday, March 13, 2008

No kidding! What else is there?

My brother-in-law made a good comment on his blog about TV. As we were both trying (but failing) not to be admitted fans of American Idol he said, "Yeah, but what else is there on TV?"

Good question.

DVRs are a great invention in my opinion because when you do get the chance to sit down and want to watch TV you can watch what you want instead of what is on.

Here is the list of what I choose to record:

  1. Mythbusters
    - ever since Junkyard Wars left the airwaves this has been my favorite. Not only do I like it, but this something that my wife tolerates and my kids will watch with me.

  2. LOST
    - the show I hate to love.

  3. Joy of Painting
    - I have liked this one since I was a kid. Bob Ross is classic. Best 'fro I've ever seen. It doesn't even matter to me that he uses the exact same lines every episode. He amazes me with his ability, and watching him is totally therapeutic.

  4. Good Eats
    - Alton Brown... man, you can't really go wrong when you mix science and food.

  5. American Idol
    - as much as I really don't want to admit it, I'm hooked.

If anyone happens to read this, consider yourself tagged - I'm curious to know what else is there?


David said...

Kara and I watch Survivor, but it is kind of lame. Emacited, underdressed strangers fighting with each other. Can't wait for baseball. (Ryan loves mythbusters.)

David said...

And is it me or are those "word verification" sequences getting longer? I think the last one I did was the same as the VIN number on my Honda.

Rachel said...

Dying David!!

Ok we do sometimes watch re-runs of 'Whose line is is anyways?', 'King of Queens', and 'Everybody Loves Raymond'.

Ok, ok, we are totally stuck in an era!

Joanna said...

I used to HATE reality shows - but if I watch one show- I get hooked - no matter how dumb it is I HAVE to see who wins or what happens. I am such a loser, I know! I've been reluctantly watching American Idol this season - I think it's been on too long & I am bored with it. The Bachelor is another one of those shows - I have to make myself NOT watch any of them, because if I do, I find myself hooked to the dumbest show on TV! :) I've gotten into Biggest loser this season - as I am trying to lose wieght myself. My guilty pleasure is Brother's & Sisters. I also like any cooking show, Moonlight, and like Rachel, love the reruns...that is my looooong post! :)