Monday, March 17, 2008


I kind of liked the topic on Rachel's and David's blogs on this, and thought I'd add my own to this one.

When a retail clerk hands you back your change bills first and then puts the coins on top.  What are you supposed to do with 070228-F-9999C-001 this??  The only thing you can do is try to curve your hand to create a make-shift funnel with the bills and then hope that you can slide the coins (without incident) into your other hand.  When they hand you coins first, it is easy to quickly slip them in your pocket and have your hand back at the ready for the bills.  (After writing this, I think this one may be more of a "quirk.")

When I can't find my red pencil.  Grrrrr.

When someone tries "sell" you something.  Some examples:  "What do I have to do to get you to drive a new car out of here today?"  "Isn't $5,000 for your families health worth it?"  "We're having a one time special for today only."  I am 100% ok with people telling me about their product, what I am not ok with is someone using a "sales tactic" on me.  If I do not want something, no tactic is going to change my mind.  Sheesh - I really do loath that.

Having to play the political crud in the work place.  I could go on and on with this one, but I don't want to swear.

phoenix_trafficUS-60 & I-10 and the fact that it takes 90 minutes to go 18 miles anytime even close to rush hour.

Loud phone talkers.  Are you trying to show-off?  Let's just get this out of the way once and for all - WE ARE ALL VERY IMPRESSED THAT YOU HAVE A PHONE AND A FRIEND. 

There are a couple other beefs I have with phones too.

  1. Blue-tooth headset in 24x7.
  2. When someone you are actively talking with answers their phone and has a conversation.
  3. When ringers are not silenced at a funeral, etc.

There will always be the things that teeter our totter (to steal a phrase from my sis-in-law), but as I look at my life - I could not ask for anything more;  the greatest person I know still puts up with me as her husband, four angels call me "Dad."  I am truly blessed way beyond what I deserve.


Dan Hixon said...

This may help you with your traffic problem:

Tired of Traffic?

Heather said...

Brian I couldn't agree with you more on all of it!

Rachel said...

The phone stuff is killing me! AMEN brother!

Brian said...

"The department of transportation expects that honking will eliminate roughly... about... 90% of all traffic."

Hilarious Dan!! Good find. I love the Onion.

David said...

Sales lines - good one. As someone who has puchased 5 cars (count 'em. 5) over the last 19 months I've heard them all. I like to call their bluff. "So you are saying that this deal is only good today? You guys aren't interested in selling cars next week? Darn, because if you extended that deal to next Saturday, I might be interested. So sorry." They change their tune real quickly.

Joanna said...

So true! I agree 100%!

Heather said...

so Brian the money thing happened to me today at Sonic and I totally thought of you and laughed.