Sunday, March 9, 2008

Kiss and Tell

Dec06_3 010 Weston is the kissiest kid.  He puckers up and smooches my face (or neck, leg, hand, or whatever is near his lips) about two hundred times a day.  He informs me that it is a huggy and kissy day, unless he is mad at me, then he takes it away.  The privilege is not revoked for long though--he can't help himself--his lips were made for kissing. Dec05 133

Tonight, while we were reading scriptures, he was snuggled up next to me.  We both had our books open and had red marking pencils in our hands.  Soon, I noticed he was holding the tip of his pencil right next to the tip of my pencil.  He touched his tip to my tip and made a kissing sound.  I stifled a giggle.  Tips or lips, it doesn't matter...this kid has kissing on the brain. Jan07_2 004 


David said...

Classic Weston. Smooch.

Joanna said...

that is so sweet! Those girls in AZ better watch out in a few years...Lady's man Weston!