Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thanks Mom.

Today is my Mom's birthday. I've never really known how old she is. I know I could probably figure it out, but to me she just stays the same.

Mom has stayed with us this past week, and true to her form, it has been a vacation for Sara and me, and a treat forIMG_3689 my kids. Even today, on her birthday, she is playing with the kids (8 of them - my brother and his family came up last night) and doing "projects" and "activities" with them.

She always travels with two suitcases; a big one and a small one. The big one is full of stuff to do with the kids. The small one is what she needs - some clothes, toothbrush, and all the pajamas that the kids like her to wear.

My kids adore her.

My wife loves her.

I am amazed by her.

She is the epitome of generosity, and she makes it very clear to her sons that it is her privilege to serve and help them.

She is one of the smartest people I know. I rely heavily on her counsel and wisdom. Rarely do many days pass that we don't spend stretches of time on the phone (thanks to cell phones and a long commute). IMG_3691

She loves unconditionally, and I know that without fail I can turn to her for any reason and she would do everything in her power (and more) to help me. She laughs with me, and cries with me.

I have been called many things in my life, and I'm sure the list will be added to, but one title I proudly wear is "Momma's boy."

My wish is that I can bless my kids lives even a fraction of the amount that she has blessed mine.

Happy birthday Mom!

I love you.

... Most!


Rachel said...

Happy Birthday Mur!! I know you got just what you wanted...time with your kids. Have a great day!

New Lewis Happenings said...

Your mom is great! What a sweet tribute to a wonderful lady!

Joanna said...

Happy Birthday! That is the best tribute ever! So sweet Bri!

Heather said...

I have only met your mom a few times but I think she is a neat lady. You are very lucky to have her.