Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Best Games in Life...

I'm curious to know who didn't turn their BigWheel or trike upside down and pretend it was an ice cream maker? Who didn't play cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, Hardy Boys, etc. (and for the girls... whatever it was that you all did). I loved playing. I loved playing sports, baseball, hockey - I have nothing but fond memories and good friends (... and bad knees).

As much as I liked the organized sports, I liked the games we made up in the backyard the best. It seemed like our backyard growing up was where we all just met. Kick the can, No more bears, you name it, we played it.

My brother Jerry and I made up some of the greats. That Kicking Game and Tick were two of the classics. Maybe some day I'll write out the rules and regulations for Tick, but suffice it to say that all that is needed is a baseball, gloves, and a low-hanging power line.

No league, no fees, no practices, no coaches, just pure unadulterated sport.

After I was married my brothers-in-law were introduced to Tick and it's merits. One summer Stephen and I were in Santa Barbara with a softball, gloves, and a couple lengths of garden hose - looked like Tick was out of the question. The hoses where used to make a couple of circles and a game evolved - Smash the Schmigs (I'm pretty sure was the name).

I did fairly well in hockey, was ok in baseball, but what I enjoyed the most were the games in the backyard.

Thanks Jer. Thanks Stephen.


David said...

Love homemade games. Tick is awesome.

Brian said...

Remember the variation - "X-treme High-wire Tick" up at AG?

Unknown said...

so funny that you still have that video!

Rachel said...

Where is the love for 'Poomo'? Is that how it is spelled?

Brian said...

Pumo Wrestling... another great one.